Your Entire Science Curriculum (Grades K-8) Completely FREE of Charge

Free Digital Copies:
Download Digital Copies of The Entire Curriculum Free Click Here
Purchase Physical Copies:
While this is a free curriculum, some families prefer to have physical copies. These can be purchased on Amazon. Click Here
Or… scroll down to open individual lessons.
The preceding links take you to pages that allow you to download the entire curriculum in one digital textbook. Some families prefer to download and print each of the 144 units covering kindergarten through 8th grade individually. Use the links below to navigate to each grade level, where you can download (for free) each individual unit, including all worksheets, labsheets, and so forth.
Note: This is a work in progress
Not all grades are currently live. However, by Spring of 2023 they will be.
Current Live Grades:
The following grades are live and available for download: 4th-8th Grades
Grades Under Development:
The following grades are under development and will be released according to the schedule shown.
3rd Grade Launching Now
1st-2nd Grades Launching February, 2023
Kindergarten Launching March, 2023
What About High School?
Once elementary grades are complete, we will begin work on high school courses including Biology, Earth Science, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Human Biology, Marine Biology, and so forth. Dates will be announced for these courses as their launch gets nearer.
Learn More About This Free Resource
HandsomeScienceTeacher.com has everything you need to engage and excite your homeschool student with science. All of our materials are free.
Read more about how these resources were developed, how they are organized, and why they are free.
How Handsome Science Teacher Came To Be
Hundreds of Free Science Articles For Homeschoolers Covering Your Entire Science Curriculum
Mr. Bertoch has written thousands of articles on every topic relating to science. These articles are free to read and use. The database below includes all our articles. You can also search our library using the search tool on the top right side of the screen.
Students completing the free packets will be taken directly to the appropriate articles as they work through each assignment.
Or explore our article library
Hundreds of Free Science Videos For Homeschoolers
Mr. Bertoch has created hundreds of videos comprising many many hours of instruction, covering your student’s entire science curriculum. These are linked to below. Students completing the free science packets will be taken directly to the appropriate videos as they proceed through their assignments.

More Free Science Videos For Homeschool Kids are Available By Using The Menu on the right side of your screen.
Who Is Mr. Bertoch?
Mr. Bertoch has had an extensive career in education. In 1998 he founded what later became the largest online education portal in the world. In late 2012 Bertoch left the private sector to teach middle school science. This choice took him away from a highly prestigious and high paying job. Something he did, because he felt called to teach. After teaching public school for a decade, and loving every second of it, and after being selected as a teacher of the year in his district, Mr. Bertoch left teaching in public schools to focus on building resources for home school families.