Acquired & Inherited Traits

Traits are special qualities or characteristics that make us who we are. There are two types of traits: acquired traits and inherited traits.

Inherited traits are traits that are passed down from our parents to us. These traits are determined by our genes, which are like tiny instructions inside our cells. Our genes tell our bodies how to grow and what traits to have. Examples of inherited traits are things like eye color, hair color, and the shape of our nose.

Acquired traits, on the other hand, are traits that we learn or get during our lifetime. These are not passed down from our parents. Examples of acquired traits are things like speaking a new language, riding a bike, or playing a musical instrument. We acquire these traits by practicing, learning, or being taught.

So, the difference between acquired and inherited traits is that acquired traits are learned during our lifetime, while inherited traits are passed down from our parents.

Let’s take a closer look at some examples of inherited traits. If your parents have brown eyes, there is a good chance that you will have brown eyes too. If your parents are tall, you might be tall too. These traits are determined by our genes and we have no control over them.

Examples of acquired traits are things like learning to play an instrument, cooking a new dish, or becoming a great swimmer. We acquire these traits by practicing, learning, and being taught. For example, if you want to become a good cook, you might take cooking classes, practice making different recipes, and learn from cookbooks.

In conclusion, both acquired and inherited traits are important in making us who we are. Our genes give us some traits, while others we acquire through our experiences and learning. By understanding these differences, we can learn more about ourselves and our families.