Water Pollution And Its Impact

Water pollution is a big problem. There are many causes of water pollution. Some of the main causes of water pollution are factories, sewage, and chemicals from farms. Water pollution harms the environment in many ways. It can kill animals and plants. It can make people sick. And it can pollute drinking water. Technology can […]

The Discovery of Cells

Cells are the basic unit of all living things, from single cells that compose the simplest organisms to trillions of cells in the human body’s intricate structures. Every living entity on Earth is composed of cells. We call this the cell theory. According to the cell theory, cells are the fundamental building blocks of living […]

What Are Mammals?

Living things are divided into six kingdoms of life based on how they are alike and how they are different. The largest of these kingdoms is the animal kingdom. Animals come in many different shapes and sizes. Some have exoskeletons, while others have no skeletons at all, and still others have highly evolved internal skeletons. […]

How A Panda’s Coloration Helps It To Hide

Pandas are large animals with famously black-and-white fur. Such vivid coloring in the wild might seem like an invitation for predators such as leopards, or tigers to see and attack them. Surprisingly, researchers have found that the coloration which does not seem to be very effective at camouflaging them still offers them protection. “In its […]

The African Elephant

The African elephant is the largest land animal on Earth, and one of the most interesting and beautiful animals to have ever lived. These magnificent animals have been symbols of power and strength throughout human history. Range: The African elephant can be found in 37 countries including Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African […]

What Is An Ecosystem?

The plants and animals that are found in a particular location are referred to as an ecosystem. These plants and animals depend on each other to survive. In a delicate balance, these lifeforms help to sustain one another in regular patterns. Disruptions to an ecosystem can be disastrous to all organisms within the ecosystem. As […]

Geographers Classify Living Things Differently Than Biologists

On the Earth today there are approximately 600,000 different types of plants and over one million different kinds of animals. Remember that one of the goals of geographers is to understand how lifeforms are distributed throughout the Earth. With nearly 2 million different types of lifeforms on Earth, the task of mapping out and understanding […]

The Earth’s Biosphere

The biosphere is defined as the sphere or area around the planet Earth where life exists. This zone of life is vast. Most lifeforms live on or near the surface of Earth. However, some live deep within the hydrosphere (oceans, lakes and streams), while others thrive in the depths of the lithosphere (solid portion of […]

Living Things Need Water

Some of the Earth’s water supply is temporarily locked up within the many lifeforms found across the Earth’s biosphere. This water makes up a majority of most organisms, and is a critical component, making the processes of life possible. Some organisms are made up of 95% water, while almost all the rest are more than […]