The American And European Bison

The American bison is a large, shaggy-haired mammal that once roamed across North America in huge herds. Today, it is mostly found in national parks and other protected areas. The European bison is a similar animal that lives in Europe. Both species are endangered.

Bison are important to native Americans, who use every part of the animal for food, clothing, and shelter. Bison are also important to modern people, who value them as a symbol of the American West.

Bison eat grasses and other plants. They are preyed upon by wolves, bears, and humans.

The future of bison is uncertain. Habitat loss and hunting have reduced their populations. However, conservation efforts are helping to protect these animals.

The European bison live in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Slovakia. They once roamed across most of Europe, but today their numbers are limited. The European bison is the heaviest land animal in Europe. bulls can weigh up to one tonne.

The European bison is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. The population has increased in recent years, but the species is still at risk.

There are two subspecies of European bison: the lowland bison and theforest bison.

The lowland bison is found in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine. This subspecies is smaller than the forest bison.

The forest bison is found in Russia, Romania, and Slovakia. This subspecies is larger than the lowland bison.

The American bison live in North America. They once roamed across most of the continent, but today their numbers are limited. The American bison is the heaviest land animal in North America. bulls can weigh up to two tonnes.

The American bison is listed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List. The population has increased in recent years, but the species is still at risk.

There are two subspecies of American bison: the plains bison and the wood bison.

The plains bison is found in the United States and Canada. This subspecies is smaller than the wood bison.

The wood bison is found in Alaska and northwestern Canada. This subspecies is larger than the plains bison.

Modern herds can be found in Yellowstone where they are partially protected, as well as in many zoos. They can also be found in the wild in Utah on an island of the Great Salt Lake called antelope island.

The American bison is the national mammal of the United States. The European bison is the national animal of Poland.